Sunday, 30 October 2016

Jasus - Humanity is ready for change!

Published on 30 Oct 2016

Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.

The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and fertilizers.

Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were. You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a human on your beautiful planet.

Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and, sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you and programed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict, conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.

However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it fails.

through John Smallman

Jasus - Humanity is ready for change!

Published on 30 Oct 2016

Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.

The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and fertilizers.

Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were. You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a human on your beautiful planet.

Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and, sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you and programed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict, conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.

However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it fails.

through John Smallman

Sunday, 9 October 2016

The Apocryphon of John (Secret Book of John) - Nag Hammadi Library


Tit says on
this latest promotional release from the Satanic Illuminati New World Order
organization on the very social media site where they front their paedophile
grooming on hapless kids mostly from the third world whose life’s are turned
upside down by pure evil transvestites, men and women who thought they were
above the law as they got away with their disgusting trade in sexual misery
where paedophiles make up a profile pretending to be the sweet pink bubble gum
pop star the kids favourite eccentric Katy Perry but behind the persona of
happy innocence lies great darkness so read below and this comes from JESUS
CHRIST so you know it is true there is nothing more disgusting then paedophiles
hiding behind the word LOVE because even (no YOU won’t win) when they are being
exposed this advert begins with kids liking it and leaving comments of how this
5 year old Photoshop image of a beautiful girl who doesn't actually exist only
after 5 hours makeup and a good Photoshop airbrushing will LOVE the sad people
who fall for its colour coding and later on when it is full of comments a pig
brained transvestite weirdo will come along with a profile picture of a similar
beauty pretending to be the boys fantasy teenage dream and encourage the boys
to like the page where they get fed fantasy photos until they give up their what’s
app numbers when a paedophile will contact them for abuse behind the slut who
appears in hundreds of thousands of free to view no age limit pornographic
sites being fucked and abused and covered in cum mostly being buggered then
sucking the same cock that went up its rectum as it is a mind controlled victim
of selling its soul to the devil for fame and fortune sex-slave whilst its
music has beats that control the minds of the listeners; LOVE NO CHANCE behind
the girl is the Luciferin bolt of lightning representing the symbol of Lucifer
the Devil coming to Earth a dark black satanic scary forest and the primary colours
of the transgender program rainbow as the girls eyes (contact lenses) stare
into your soul demanding that you offer up false idol worship at her alter at a
free2view porn site to masturbate over her as a goddess which gives her
strength and black magic energy to commit further acts of buggery as she
actually hates itself and desires to be abused and defiled in public:-
Katy Perry Slut is an Adulteress she is married to Jesus Christ and she is a
child abuser and the KATY PERRY COMPANY is run by a transvestite from Portugal
who thinks he is Satan's daughter and has used MK Ultra Monarch mind control
sex-slave sex-kitten programming on 12 Katy Perry clones some who only do
pornography Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson Katy Perry #3 is the main freak who is an
Illuminati New World Order Satanist witch
who admits to having no future who has thrown Satanic black magic demons on the
fans who listen to the music and are groomed on Facebook then transferred to
the porn sites and are brainwashed into calling her MOM and that the hapless
human guinea pigs are 'kittens' and it is one big happy family the KatyCats under
the leadership of MOM CAT what a load of bollocks Katy Perry #3 leads the mind
controlled blokes into falling in love and marrying her in a vibrational escrow
of witchcraft demonic spirits are thrown on the kids and men then she makes
these men and mostly teenage boys masturbate over her naked body seen on
billions of websites so these kids are made to masturbate over their mother or
get trauma based mind control as she forces photos of her having DP anal sex
with 2 or 3 black cocks with a constant stream of photos thrown at you with cum
shots all over her face the whole thing is disgusting and the time has come to
not only expose these freaks at Katy Perry but to know all the sluts in the
music industry are mind controlled into the same operation in order to bring
about a decay in social order and to get to the bottom line of paedophilia for
the executives of the Hollywood entertainment industry. Any info you can bring
to light contact KATY PERRY IS THE WHORE OF