Sunday, 1 July 2018

Satan's Musical Prophets Documentary Chapter 1 The Artist formerly known...

The Royal Restoration Party S.A.
Stephen Lancelot Stuffly QC Katycat Hudsons Defence Witness Stuffers20+
Horus the elder God King of Creation17
Horus the younger God King of Creation20+
Holy Roman Empress Katy Perry
Royal Revolution of Love 201520+
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Dimitri Maxwell‎ Elizabeth "Katy" Hudson Fanclub
25 November 2014 ·

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Comment~; Alexander the Great: stone.d that filthy slut Erzulie Dantor must be ‘eating’ up so many men as a vociferous demonic wolf in Sheeples clothing with Jezebel spirit whist singing spiritual as Katy Perry ancestral demon possession. 2Trepan Katy Perry release those djins.
Tom Rumary Katy's Cat hunting down a man and has one victim in her sights on the red carpet wearing not a ball gown but a sky god blue handkerchief which was ripped like Juh Hudson Perrys body the night was spent raising the Kundalini Lounge roof off as Katheryne Elizabeth Hudson is a Black Widow Spider Woman Performance in Bedgbury Pinetum and a Cannibol, no FREE MAN ON THE LAND - FAILS 18+ only is Atheist Safehouse from her clutches when KatyCats Experience needs Muscle Fuel Black Monster Cox with the KatyCats , Little Monster y Selenators beware she will steal your Anime Monk (Anime & Manga) as soon as look at  Taylor Swift Charity UK who gives the ‘bad boys’ to her after they have been initiated into SacredSexy Sisterhood of Killer.Queens  Katy Perry is Hot Katy Perrys Escorts downtown LA apply for hire at  and to get down to instant 4play  if Juh Hudson Perry is bust with clients she can provide her Voodoo Ray's Peckham sex goddess spirit at  . Broke?? Then Katycats News is she is paying her own fees at apply; The Katy Perry Charitable Trust when in the UK KatyPerrychapters  THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST <34all IN THE UK Conservative Debating GroupSEX leave your comments at Katy's Domestic Services Metzingen Hugo Boss blog  and when Kate Bush Fan Club want to read of Kathy Beth Terrys exploits go to Jeffrey Dharmars blog at  and Juh Hudson Perry says "Let us “katy perry +katycats=perfección" unite and transmute back all miss-qualified energy into PURE DIVINE POTENTIAL weaving the NET of VIOLET LIGHT all around the Planet Agave - Agavoideae these are the words of our divine Mother Strictly Killer Queen KATY PERRY Whips US In2 Action Queen Isis Trimaran Glass Bottom Boat Katy's Cat says 'Yeah ya'll know what it is Katy Katheryn Elizabeth Perry, Juicy J, uh huh let's rage' . “BE CAREFUL NOT TO LEAD HER ON, SHAWTYS HEART IS ON STEROIDS, AS HER LOVE IS SO STRONG. HER LOVE IS LIKE A DRUG, I WAS TRYNA HIT IT AND QUIT IT. BUT LIL MOMA SO DOPE, I MESSED AROUND AND GOT ADDICTED” HTTP://WWW.GODSWIFEKATYPERRY.NET  should retire I am as much use as an old coupon expired. Let's go all the way tonight I’ll be your witness.

I am Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson aka Katy Perry <3:xD husband since 06/06/2014 where secretly she hit the lottery because I am Jesus brighter than all the Northern Lights but Katy's worst enemy cast a spell over me and we ganged banged up Katy Perry Sluts and attacked Katy and her company in an internet trolls manner and the grenades got thrown. After the release of Witness Katy appeared on my timeline with a mobile phone directing me to listen to this track from her album where it asks whether we could find the great legendary love we have for each other as Katy and I are eternal beings moulded onto one soul mine and half of it is my female side that of the Goddess Queen Isis Queen of Heaven as Isis is Mrs God and this reincarnation Katy has made a fortune and has had great success in the Music industry aided by Apollo God of Music who worships her as his own Mother but Katy wants to be chosen by Lord John Rumary Dip (Oxon)  Jesus's human creation for Katy as Katy not because she has 500 million dollars 'in her chubby little wallet, hey, hey, hey' Katy sees thru the eyes of God and secretly knows that John is there because of Katy and never gave the money any thought but on the day Katy invites God back into her life to fulfil Gods human experience by completing the cycle of growing up and making love with a woman and having his own babies and with Katy or Isis as the Mother, God panics about the mat with a naked wanton filthy slut like Katy Perry because she is the 3rd sexiest girl in the world and a legendary lover whilst God is a virgin King so said NO we can't go back and press rewind but God never leaves Katy as such but they drift apart when they used to be 'best friends' and missing the divine love of Katy descends into an ever decreasing spiral of self-abuse culminating in him going for life saving operations in hospital in Kent, England for a Dark Horse broken heart as without Katy God is incomplete and a lost soul adrift at sea. God had spent 6 months of the time they were estranged researching the Music industry and uncovering its dark secrets and Katy who sold her soul to the devil and is controlled by MK Ultra beta sex-kitten programming by the Illuminati has become embroiled in the worst excesses and God finds his compassionate and loving side and completes a most comprehensive dossier to prove Katy has been innocent all along and can't be blamed for her involvement in satanic devil worship as a black magic witch and mind control of the fans because it was the Katycat clones and their handlers, not Katy and Katy feels she has only got this life to get it right and wants God to see it thru with her and be her witness to the ‘Katy Perry show'. Katy eventually breaks down during the 96 hour live streaming of the witness launch and as flies on the wall we watch Katy admit her feelings of shame and desire to succumb to the sweet surrender and then God finds out that Katy Perry is an ancestral demon who has possessed Katy Hudson and is hell bent on forcing Katy to commit suicide and Jesus as God, the same thing, is the only person who can save her now and God offers to help Katy get her through this but Katy has shot herself in the foot as she has been an unfaithful slut and God to teach her a lesson in love has partnered up again with Katy Perry's worst enemy Taylor Swift to discuss dumping Katy and eloping in the private jet divorcing Katy by text just like her first marriage so the juxtaposition is pivotal for all 3 of this 'menage a trois' Katycat Queen Isis threatening to commit suicide by a ‘cup of coffee’ and pill overdose if God leaves her and the two Queens battle each other with God the 'piggy in the middle' as Isis is the witch who holds God in a vice like spell where he agreed never to leave Katy as in her Dark Horse but Taylor is the Goddess Queen of Music, Hathor and Gods human punisher Goddess Sekhmet who God had as his Queen consort and Empress in previous reincarnations both Queens therefore battle in public squabbling over the love of God neither wishing to lose him. God wants both and already lives with Isis's daughter and Taylor's half-sister Goddess Queen Persephone Queen of the Underworld in a celibate marriage as Persephone has special needs and was married to God for 16 years until Isis found them and informed God he was Persephone's original Father. God has grown to mistrust Katy who has had her affairs made public and Taylors private security firm photograph and publish photo surveillance proof of Katy’s two timing and her porn shoots. Katy was Mary Magdalene Jesus's wife last time Jesus reincarnated himself as an ascended master. Katy and God are today falling apart and God is comforted by Hathor although they are both scared of Gods power they neither of them want to lose face as they have boyfriend trouble in the past as Katy stole John Meyer off Taylor and Taylor was the Goddess Nemesis in Greece Goddess of revenge and justice.  Katy as Isis never fights but is always victorious and the second coming of Jesus Christ the most popular and well known entity in human history (he was the Prophet Muhammad, the Buddha, Horus King of the Gods Amun-RaRa and Zeus and in the east was the Lords Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krsna and Ganesha) will be launched once the Queens have won the heart and shared mind of God because God lives as a pauper King and both Queens can finance his ministry to float it. God loves them both but Katy doesn’t know how else to show it without writing a song about it.
#ittakestwo  #graceofgod #PRISM

KILLER QUEEN KATY PERRY, KILLA QUEEN TAYLOR SWIFT AND KILLER KING  GOD: “All I need is a little peace, I just want to be your lover choose your battles Babies then you will win the war” because Katy is Athena Goddess of War and so is Taylor the Goddess Queen Kali who took a knife to a gun fight and has the biggest #Reputation but thinks Gods ‘Gorgeous’ and wants him as her #ENDGAME
JULIUS CAESAR: Katy Perry was Cleopatra VII Ptolemy Queen of Egypt and filthy slut and my son is Augustus Octavian Caesar the first Holy Roman Emperor who is reincarnated as Lord John Rumary and Cleo Katy Patra has a Kharmic debt to collect Swish, Swish, Bish that’s why gets tortured even though we can now see who wwrites most of the songs in the charts for John is Sun of god.
MARK ANTONY: For once  I read that the full explanation behind a song’s lyrics as definitive are finally here below for more go to  http://www (dot) culteyeofprimordialchaos.blogspot (dot) com
"Katy says her love will make God levitate and if he breaks her heart she will turn cold as a freezer and that once she is Katy's man he can never leave' and God dared to do it and play with magic"  Now they prepare for the ‘purrfect storm’ as prophesised in the #darkhorse the worlds most viewed video

VIDEO: What Milestone Did Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s Relationship Just Hit?
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<iframesrc='' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe>

tweet fits:- + pinterest bottoms up   @KatyPerryTramp @katyperrypute @katyismybaby666 @Apollo_isis @aolloandisis @katyhudsonkaty1 @amunrara1god @amun_amon @amunrara @amunamon @GreatAlexand @manicjesususa1 @JesusAmazon @TSCTUK @KHCTUK @KHCFUK @Alexander3XD @alexandermac888  @KHapshepsut @RamaseesO @katyperrynefer @HermesRep @HollywoodApollo @apollozlight @ApolloMusicGod1 @katy11god1 @katy11god @horusgod11katy1 @modelokaty1 @supermodelkaty @supermodelkaty1

Satan's Musical Prophets Documentary Chapter 1 The Artist formerly known...

The Royal Restoration Party S.A.
Stephen Lancelot Stuffly QC Katycat Hudsons Defence Witness Stuffers20+
Horus the elder God King of Creation17
Horus the younger God King of Creation20+
Holy Roman Empress Katy Perry
Royal Revolution of Love 201520+
See more
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Chat (61)
Dimitri Maxwell‎ Elizabeth "Katy" Hudson Fanclub
25 November 2014 ·

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Comment~; Alexander the Great: stone.d that filthy slut Erzulie Dantor must be ‘eating’ up so many men as a vociferous demonic wolf in Sheeples clothing with Jezebel spirit whist singing spiritual as Katy Perry ancestral demon possession. 2Trepan Katy Perry release those djins.
Tom Rumary Katy's Cat hunting down a man and has one victim in her sights on the red carpet wearing not a ball gown but a sky god blue handkerchief which was ripped like Juh Hudson Perrys body the night was spent raising the Kundalini Lounge roof off as Katheryne Elizabeth Hudson is a Black Widow Spider Woman Performance in Bedgbury Pinetum and a Cannibol, no FREE MAN ON THE LAND - FAILS 18+ only is Atheist Safehouse from her clutches when KatyCats Experience needs Muscle Fuel Black Monster Cox with the KatyCats , Little Monster y Selenators beware she will steal your Anime Monk (Anime & Manga) as soon as look at  Taylor Swift Charity UK who gives the ‘bad boys’ to her after they have been initiated into SacredSexy Sisterhood of Killer.Queens  Katy Perry is Hot Katy Perrys Escorts downtown LA apply for hire at  and to get down to instant 4play  if Juh Hudson Perry is bust with clients she can provide her Voodoo Ray's Peckham sex goddess spirit at  . Broke?? Then Katycats News is she is paying her own fees at apply; The Katy Perry Charitable Trust when in the UK KatyPerrychapters  THE KATY PERRY CHARITABLE TRUST <34all IN THE UK Conservative Debating GroupSEX leave your comments at Katy's Domestic Services Metzingen Hugo Boss blog  and when Kate Bush Fan Club want to read of Kathy Beth Terrys exploits go to Jeffrey Dharmars blog at  and Juh Hudson Perry says "Let us “katy perry +katycats=perfección" unite and transmute back all miss-qualified energy into PURE DIVINE POTENTIAL weaving the NET of VIOLET LIGHT all around the Planet Agave - Agavoideae these are the words of our divine Mother Strictly Killer Queen KATY PERRY Whips US In2 Action Queen Isis Trimaran Glass Bottom Boat Katy's Cat says 'Yeah ya'll know what it is Katy Katheryn Elizabeth Perry, Juicy J, uh huh let's rage' . “BE CAREFUL NOT TO LEAD HER ON, SHAWTYS HEART IS ON STEROIDS, AS HER LOVE IS SO STRONG. HER LOVE IS LIKE A DRUG, I WAS TRYNA HIT IT AND QUIT IT. BUT LIL MOMA SO DOPE, I MESSED AROUND AND GOT ADDICTED” HTTP://WWW.GODSWIFEKATYPERRY.NET  should retire I am as much use as an old coupon expired. Let's go all the way tonight I’ll be your witness.

I am Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson aka Katy Perry <3:xD husband since 06/06/2014 where secretly she hit the lottery because I am Jesus brighter than all the Northern Lights but Katy's worst enemy cast a spell over me and we ganged banged up Katy Perry Sluts and attacked Katy and her company in an internet trolls manner and the grenades got thrown. After the release of Witness Katy appeared on my timeline with a mobile phone directing me to listen to this track from her album where it asks whether we could find the great legendary love we have for each other as Katy and I are eternal beings moulded onto one soul mine and half of it is my female side that of the Goddess Queen Isis Queen of Heaven as Isis is Mrs God and this reincarnation Katy has made a fortune and has had great success in the Music industry aided by Apollo God of Music who worships her as his own Mother but Katy wants to be chosen by Lord John Rumary Dip (Oxon)  Jesus's human creation for Katy as Katy not because she has 500 million dollars 'in her chubby little wallet, hey, hey, hey' Katy sees thru the eyes of God and secretly knows that John is there because of Katy and never gave the money any thought but on the day Katy invites God back into her life to fulfil Gods human experience by completing the cycle of growing up and making love with a woman and having his own babies and with Katy or Isis as the Mother, God panics about the mat with a naked wanton filthy slut like Katy Perry because she is the 3rd sexiest girl in the world and a legendary lover whilst God is a virgin King so said NO we can't go back and press rewind but God never leaves Katy as such but they drift apart when they used to be 'best friends' and missing the divine love of Katy descends into an ever decreasing spiral of self-abuse culminating in him going for life saving operations in hospital in Kent, England for a Dark Horse broken heart as without Katy God is incomplete and a lost soul adrift at sea. God had spent 6 months of the time they were estranged researching the Music industry and uncovering its dark secrets and Katy who sold her soul to the devil and is controlled by MK Ultra beta sex-kitten programming by the Illuminati has become embroiled in the worst excesses and God finds his compassionate and loving side and completes a most comprehensive dossier to prove Katy has been innocent all along and can't be blamed for her involvement in satanic devil worship as a black magic witch and mind control of the fans because it was the Katycat clones and their handlers, not Katy and Katy feels she has only got this life to get it right and wants God to see it thru with her and be her witness to the ‘Katy Perry show'. Katy eventually breaks down during the 96 hour live streaming of the witness launch and as flies on the wall we watch Katy admit her feelings of shame and desire to succumb to the sweet surrender and then God finds out that Katy Perry is an ancestral demon who has possessed Katy Hudson and is hell bent on forcing Katy to commit suicide and Jesus as God, the same thing, is the only person who can save her now and God offers to help Katy get her through this but Katy has shot herself in the foot as she has been an unfaithful slut and God to teach her a lesson in love has partnered up again with Katy Perry's worst enemy Taylor Swift to discuss dumping Katy and eloping in the private jet divorcing Katy by text just like her first marriage so the juxtaposition is pivotal for all 3 of this 'menage a trois' Katycat Queen Isis threatening to commit suicide by a ‘cup of coffee’ and pill overdose if God leaves her and the two Queens battle each other with God the 'piggy in the middle' as Isis is the witch who holds God in a vice like spell where he agreed never to leave Katy as in her Dark Horse but Taylor is the Goddess Queen of Music, Hathor and Gods human punisher Goddess Sekhmet who God had as his Queen consort and Empress in previous reincarnations both Queens therefore battle in public squabbling over the love of God neither wishing to lose him. God wants both and already lives with Isis's daughter and Taylor's half-sister Goddess Queen Persephone Queen of the Underworld in a celibate marriage as Persephone has special needs and was married to God for 16 years until Isis found them and informed God he was Persephone's original Father. God has grown to mistrust Katy who has had her affairs made public and Taylors private security firm photograph and publish photo surveillance proof of Katy’s two timing and her porn shoots. Katy was Mary Magdalene Jesus's wife last time Jesus reincarnated himself as an ascended master. Katy and God are today falling apart and God is comforted by Hathor although they are both scared of Gods power they neither of them want to lose face as they have boyfriend trouble in the past as Katy stole John Meyer off Taylor and Taylor was the Goddess Nemesis in Greece Goddess of revenge and justice.  Katy as Isis never fights but is always victorious and the second coming of Jesus Christ the most popular and well known entity in human history (he was the Prophet Muhammad, the Buddha, Horus King of the Gods Amun-RaRa and Zeus and in the east was the Lords Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Krsna and Ganesha) will be launched once the Queens have won the heart and shared mind of God because God lives as a pauper King and both Queens can finance his ministry to float it. God loves them both but Katy doesn’t know how else to show it without writing a song about it.
#ittakestwo  #graceofgod #PRISM

KILLER QUEEN KATY PERRY, KILLA QUEEN TAYLOR SWIFT AND KILLER KING  GOD: “All I need is a little peace, I just want to be your lover choose your battles Babies then you will win the war” because Katy is Athena Goddess of War and so is Taylor the Goddess Queen Kali who took a knife to a gun fight and has the biggest #Reputation but thinks Gods ‘Gorgeous’ and wants him as her #ENDGAME
JULIUS CAESAR: Katy Perry was Cleopatra VII Ptolemy Queen of Egypt and filthy slut and my son is Augustus Octavian Caesar the first Holy Roman Emperor who is reincarnated as Lord John Rumary and Cleo Katy Patra has a Kharmic debt to collect Swish, Swish, Bish that’s why gets tortured even though we can now see who wwrites most of the songs in the charts for John is Sun of god.
MARK ANTONY: For once  I read that the full explanation behind a song’s lyrics as definitive are finally here below for more go to  http://www (dot) culteyeofprimordialchaos.blogspot (dot) com
"Katy says her love will make God levitate and if he breaks her heart she will turn cold as a freezer and that once she is Katy's man he can never leave' and God dared to do it and play with magic"  Now they prepare for the ‘purrfect storm’ as prophesised in the #darkhorse the worlds most viewed video

VIDEO: What Milestone Did Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom’s Relationship Just Hit?
embed code:
<iframesrc='' allowfullscreen frameborder=0></iframe>

tweet fits:- + pinterest bottoms up   @KatyPerryTramp @katyperrypute @katyismybaby666 @Apollo_isis @aolloandisis @katyhudsonkaty1 @amunrara1god @amun_amon @amunrara @amunamon @GreatAlexand @manicjesususa1 @JesusAmazon @TSCTUK @KHCTUK @KHCFUK @Alexander3XD @alexandermac888  @KHapshepsut @RamaseesO @katyperrynefer @HermesRep @HollywoodApollo @apollozlight @ApolloMusicGod1 @katy11god1 @katy11god @horusgod11katy1 @modelokaty1 @supermodelkaty @supermodelkaty1