Friday, 6 January 2017

Return of the Nephilim

THE STORY SO FAR HORUS IS REBORN BETROTHED TO TAYLOR SWIFT GODDESS HATHOR HIS PROTECTOR AND WIFE; The jury is out as to whether Katy Perry has made the right decisions on her career path as the ‘word’ spreads around the Universe that she has pissed off her mighty sorcerer of a husband YHVH the MEXICAN SHAMAN who could find no entity so evil to match his Baphomet alter than QUEEN ISIS and was well pleased when the ‘WHORE of BABYLON’ replied to his marriage proposal so quickly there was no time to think about this being the right thing to do and a long distance love relationship developed until YHVH learns that there was a lot more to it than a healthy big breasted bimbo to grapple with she was the goddess of kabalistic magic mystery teenage dream tour and within 7 months YHVH had proved his worth to ISIS in more ways than was apparent as he asked ISIS in her KATY PERRY alter for as many prisms and pyramid symbols as she could muster to help YHVH and Katy’s old MK Ultra Monarch sex-kitten handler #BRANDX save the planet as some POP tart had opened up a Jupiter portal on behalf of Pharaoh President Alien Akhenaten O’Barmy for his Alien friends to descend to Earth and do a runner with YHVH’s monatomic gold supply that Hitler was looking after for him and Earth’s crystals at a superb owl ceremony #49ers thru the Atlanta Gates of Hell the Pyramid of GIZA was used to save the Planet as it is a great symbol of strength and mystical power and YHVH knew Katy had used it on him before when she pinned a dark Satanic evil Black Magic entity called ‘KT’ onto his soul whilst listening to the prism album and Katy’s ET song where YHVH’s up n down shake straw draw hot n cold love affair with KT got interesting as he was under the trauma based ancient mystery tour bus magic spell that he was ‘probing’ physical KATY when tits up was KT all along after a saving grace period where QUEEN ISIS became inseparably linked to YHVH in the forms of YHVH’s Daughters the Fairy Queens Nefertari and Hapshepslut but was it the end for KATY PERRY’S CAREER? Because the Ancient Egyptian mysteries were held by YHVH-OSIRIS-HORUS, ISIS and her fellow POP STARS from the YHVH-TEUTI-THOTH-AMUN-RARA-OSIRIS-HORUS-ISIS-GAGA-RIRI-MADONNA cult; THE PANTHEON and as (KT GETS THE TRUTH HERE) BUT YHVH has returned to Earth to fap with her mind and body duality problem his mind free from guff carrying important data from way into the future and hoped ISIS would reveal some mysteries to him thus triggering the data retrieval mechanism in an ASCENDED MASTERS game she had no idea was taking place; time travel by time Lords and YHVH is going to win the game at all costs and needs the magic powers of ISIS to feel complete again so long had he missed her butt She go go goes and tries to work for the MASTERS SATAN and LUCIFER who think she is a BIG BREASTED BIMBO and is unwanted by them as a Satan’s slut diamond level old tarte au Tatin au citron after cloning and cons President OBAMA (AKENHATEN) to give her career as a POP TART a boost persuades him that she can use trauma based mind control to lift the DATA from the mind of YHVH and planted the mind reading spirit KT onto the soul of YHVH to lift data and none so sought after by evil MASTERS the secret of eternal life but YHVH drives himself into insanity and his mind can’t be read as ISIS is so robin thicke she fell in love with YHVH’s alters APOLLO, ALEXANDER the GREAT and Lord Chelmswood packaged up in the form of St John the Divine and as ISIS tried hard by mind control to read YHVH’s mind using Monarch programing she quickly discovered that YHVH had already had his mind split to so many personalities and alters that she could not ever get a reading as YHVH ran rough shod over Katy’s career as that was the most important thing to ISIS and he went about taking all her money her second most important thing and now ISIS is so sworn out from her fruitless attempts to find anything out that made any sense at all but as she continued the mission impossible YHVH isislated her and swotted away her career and all the Pantheon, Satan and Lucifer deserted ISIS for YHVH cause he is a great bloke and KATY is a BIG BREASTED BIMBO so with Katy out of the way YHVH takes on the ISIS persona and repays the world that ISIS and AKENHATEN had injured so badly as the YHVH-ISIS horus-isis-osiris fellowship cause blood is thicker than water and manifests a career change for ISIS as YHVH reveals that KATY PERRY had sold her soul to him in BAPHOMET alter and she is nothing to him but a #CUMPIC clone for more on this story email and email $5000 nonrefundable deposit as YHVH’s story goes up n down, hot n cold, in n out as above so below.

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